Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Miconazole Nitrate (MN) for hair growth

Hey Guys,

Miconazole Nitrate, which is the active ingredient in many anti fungal medications, has been the buzz around the web, and Youtube for sometime now. If you've found this page - you are probably curious about using it for hair growth.

In my personal experience, Miconazole Nitrate (found in Monistat 7), did, in fact, improve my hair growth.

As many of you probably are - I was a bit apprehensive when I first heard about it. I also had the same reaction -- Yeast infection cream on your scalp?!? I decided to pass on it at the time.


Maybe 6 months to a year later, my niece caught a ringworm in her scalp; which caused a huge bald spot. We took her to the doctor and what does he prescribe?! Monistat 7. We used the cream. Not only did it cure the fungal infection BUT her hair immediately started to re-grow in that area.

Then I was awakened:

1. Obviously it is somewhat safe if the doctor prescribed it

2. Many of us have active fungal infections on our scalps and don't even know it

3. It immediately re-grew her hair and there was no negative effect on the surrounding healthy hairs


So I decided to try it. To elaborate on number 2 above, if you are having an issue with dandruff or dry itchy scalp - YOU MAY HAVE A SCALP INFECTION due to fungus...dermatitis or what have you. If you visit a dermatologist about your scalp condition he/she will more than likely prescribe you a medication that contains miconazole nitrate.


I have suffered from dandruff my whole life so that was even more reason for me to try MN. So - After days of research by means of youtube, I came to the conclusion that there were more pros than cons to trying this medication. If you have a chance google "Suicide Eve" and "Chavas Candy"  These are 2 ladies that had tremendous growth and documented the growth from using MN month by month.

To Mix

I purchased 1 tube of monistat 7 and mixed it in coconut oil, with mane and tail conditioner.
I applied the mix nightly for 30 days initially, I got such good results, I continued for a few months.

I will have to say that with any medication whether it is an herb, OTC or prescription medication; there will be side effects. I hear and see people comment all the time "uggh coochie cream this coochie cream that" if it is safe for the most delicate part of your body why wouldn't it be safe for your hair? BESIDES the drugs that the doctors prescribe for everyday ailments have more severe side effects - take a moment to read the leaflets in your prescriptions you'd be surprised - yet most of us are PILL POPPING MANIACS with no questions about what we are ingesting...moving on.

The only side effects I witnessed were:

Intense itchy scalp

Neither of which were unbearable.

The benefits were, however, well worth it. I grew and retained well over 3 inches in the first 2 months or so.

I have since moved on to trying other growth aids because I am a product junkie as well as a bandwagoner. LOL!!

It has been my goal since starting my hair journey to find out what works for me and what doesn't. In that, I have vowed to try anything suggested for hair growth that I came across... within reason. MN works for me. I have purchased a tube to start again in the near future as soon as I am done testing the other growth aids on my list.

So far here is a list of what has worked:

Monistat 7 (1.5 inches per month)
Mineral Rich liquid Vitamin (Currently 1.5-2 inches per month)
Chlorella (Currently 1.5-2 inches per month)
Hairfinity (1 inch per month)

What didn't work so well:

Equate Miconazole 7 - No significant increase in growth

Jamaican Black Castor oil - No significant increase in growth

NJoy's sulfur mix - No significant increase in growth

MSM - No significant increase in growth (said to lengthen growth phase NOT make hair grow)

Biotin - No significant increase in growth - only made hair stronger/healthier ++

up next - ancient secrets hair growth oil


Just because these things worked/didn't work for me doesn't mean that it will/won't work for you. Everyone is different!
I will say that taking biotin and MSM together has been beneficial to the health of my hair, they are only mentioned in the "did not work" section because they do not CAUSE your hair to grow. Aiding in the health of your hair will be beneficial to your hair's own growth.

Please feel free to share your experiences below if something in my did not work list has worked for you. Also share if you have tried MN and your experiences with the medication. I would love to hear.

Healthy Hair Growing :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Introducing .....ME!!!

Hey Guys!

My name is Dee and I am 28 years old, soon to be 29 in November (2013). I had been wanting to start a blog for a while now. Ever since I was younger, I have always been told that I have a "way with words" haha - Whatever that means. Anyway, I am starting this blog, it will more than likely be filled with things that I have experienced, have heard, or things that I think may be useful to many of you. 

Well, stay tuned...I hope you are as excited as I am!!!