Monday, September 30, 2013

Get the false lash look without the use of false lashes (No Clumping)

Things you will need:

Eyelash primer (optional)
A lengthening mascara
A voluminous mascara

Fist apply your primer (If not using a primer you may skip this step)
I apply 3-5 coats of Mac's prep and prime depending on how long I want my lashes to be
Apply the primer to your lashes as you would mascara, making sure to build the product onto the tips of your lashes. This will extend the tips of your lashes.

Next go in with your volume mascara
I use Maybelline's Mega plush mascara
I apply 2-3 coats (you can do more or less according to your preference)

Then apply your lengthening mascara
I use Mac's false lashes mascara
I apply 2-3 coats of this 

Lastly, apply one last coat of your volume mascara for added thickness and viola!
you have long ultra plush lashes without the use of falsies!

If you choose not to use a primer you can still build this look by using 2 mascaras lengthening and voluminous.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Homosexuality/Self Identifying

If you've arrived here in search of a post that bashes one's choices in regards to sexuality, then you've come to the wrong place.

Today I watched a YouTube video of a homosexual man claiming to be harassed by kids on numerous occasions because of his appearance. He is wearing his hair in long braid extensions, tight fitting shirts and jeans and carries himself like a woman. We've all seen this "type". Which brings me to the topic of this post.

Should people "identify", are there different types of "gay".
I made a comment on his video stating that kids are confused by his appearance. They see this "man" (because he wears a mustache and beard he even states in the video "I'm a grown a** man") but they see the long hair and the feminine characteristics and they think it's funny or weird or have been taught hurtful things to say or may have overheard them being said.

Would it be easier if homosexual men that carry themselves like women shave the facial hair and wear concealer and identify as "women"
Same for women that carry themselves as men? Should they do what it takes to lessen the awkward stares and harassment?

I know some people go all the way through with the sex changes and others simply choose not to but it just seems easier to me to identify with one sex meaning Male or Female...

I'm sure people will Argue that it's more complex than that, but on the outside looking in I would say just choose and quit confusing these children....
But then there's a part of me that says "should they have to"? Why aren't they free to be who they are? Do they even know who they are?

It may in fact be more complicated than many of us think.....

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

HAIR GROWTH and the science behind it

OK many are wondering and may have heard that certain people can only grow hair to a certain length -

Well for the most part that is true. Now certain people means certain people, not a certain race of people.

Genetics play a huge part in our hair growth.

Scientifically there are 3 phases of hair growth anagen (growth phase), catagen (resting phase), and telogen (shedding phase). It is scientifically pre-determined how long each phase will last. The growing phase can last anywhere from 2 years to 6 years.

So lets say a person has a growth phase of 2 years. Hair grows on average .5 inches per month so in 2 years this person will have grown 12 inches of hair before the hair rests a while and eventually sheds from the scalp. Each hair on your head is in one of the 3 phases simultaneously throughout your life, that way it's not all growing, resting, or shedding at the same time.

Ok so this person with a 2 year growth phase has a growth potential of 12" of hair per 2 year cycle. That is the truth per science. Many don't see that hair length because of problems with breakage and retention. A person with a 6 year growth phase getting .5 inches of growth per month will have a growth potential of 36 inches of hair during their 6 year growth phase.

So you can see this is one reason why some people may have shorter hair vs others with a longer growth phase.

The question was asked how do people with dread locks grow long hair. Well each strand is intertwined; a person with dreads may very well have a 2 year growth phase and can only grow 12" in their phase BUT the difference is, when their hair sheds from the scalp it is NOT released from the dread - So when their growth phase starts over it is adding on to previously shed hairs which in turn will cause them to have more length because they aren't losing any hairs in comparison to a person with the same growth phase and loose hair.

Now the good news is there are things that we can do to over ride genetics. As stated before, hair grows on average .5 per month. There are supplements and vitamins as well as topical growth aids that you can use to increase your monthly growth potential. Some even claiming to give you 3 inches of hair growth per month. That will allow you to maximize your monthly growth with the same 2 year growth cycle, which will in turn allow you to achieve longer hair. If you choose a growth aid that helps you achieve an added .5 inches of growth, you are now getting 1 inch of growth per month,  1 inch per month x 24 months = 24 inches of growth potential in their 2 year growth phase. Most people don't stick with growth aids that long, just long enough to boost their growth for a few months, but you get my point. You can research hair growth aids and find the right one for you - there are a plethora of them on the market.

Also, there is a supplement called MSM that is said to increase your growth phase. I'm not sure if it increases your monthly growth, but by increasing your growth phase extending it from 2 years you can achieve longer hair even if you opt to let your hair grow at it's normal .5 inches per month*. You will have more hair length over time. If you take MSM and increase your growth phase from 2 years to 3 years taking the supplement on a consistent basis you should grow .5 inches x 3 years = 18 inches of growth potential.
you can also research MSM.

*Not everyone's hair grows the average rate, some have slower growth and some have faster growth; these are just examples based on my research. Retention and healthy hair care practices play a huge part in the overall length, health, and growth of your hair.

I am not a doctor and I make no claims behind the effectiveness of anything mentioned in this article. It is always best to do your own research and check with your family doctor before introducing supplements into your body.

Good Luck and Happy hair growing

Thursday, September 12, 2013

So You Think You're Ready For Marriage

Let me be the first to admit that I am in no way an expert on marriage...

But what I AM is a wife that genuinely loves her husband.

What I will tell any couple that is ready to take the steps towards marriage is COMMUNICATION IS KEY.

My husband and I have been together for over 13 years and married for 4 years. Has everything been perfect? - No. Have we both made mistakes? - Yes. There will be many mistakes. There are things in marriage that are very different from courtship. Every stumbling block should not constitute break ups/divorce. If you talk through your problems you often find that the initial conflict happened because of poor communication or the lack thereof. Talk with your spouse. Express to them your needs, wants, what you like and don't like. If that person cares at all they will do everything in their power to meet those requests.

Since I have come to grasp this concept the easier it is for me to communicate with him before anything has the opportunity to escalate. Not saying that we don't still argue or have disagreements because we do LOL, but it is minimal compared to earlier in the marriage. Marriage works if you work at it. Let love lead the way.

These years have been great for us because as I told him not long ago - "Honey we honestly grew up together". We started dating at 14/15 years old. He told me he doesn't know why he kept me around this long - his sarcasm. Which brings me to my next tip:


I am a person that LOVES to LAUGH. My husband and myself both are undercover comedians. We laugh entirely too much some may say, but there is no such thing as laughing too much in my opinion. While we are out in public we see couples with stern looks on their faces, they do not seem happy at all. They see me and my husband laughing and we get many turned up smirks. I even once heard a woman say "there's nothing THAT funny"
Tuh says who lady? I enjoy my husband's company and he mine. It has been that way for 13+ years and by the grace of God it will continue to be that way.
Laughter is good for the soul and I really believe that. Nothing worse than a person that is just serious all the time. RELAX and laugh.


Now I know we all lead busy lives. Especially if you have a two wage earner household as we do. Regardless of the schedules you should still make time to be intimate with your spouse. Intimacy is not just SEX either. Be intimate, be close to one another, sit close on the couch and watch television, rub/touch one another, kiss, cuddle, flirt etc. Make time for dating.
I think most relationships lose their luster when couples STOP dating. Just because you are married and have been together for a while doesn't mean you have to stop doing what you did to get her/him.
My husband and I make sure we go on a date every other weekend at LEAST. I know kids complicate things in this area but you should make it your priority to get a sitter as often as you can. Do not allow ANYTHING to overshadow your relationship. Parents need time for themselves as well.
As my pastor says "The husband and wife are the FAMILY and children are an ADDITION to"
The same way you feel about ensuring that you do not neglect your kids you should spend the same amount of effort ensuring that you are NOT neglecting your spouse. There has to be a balance.

I saved this one for last because this is the deal breaker in a lot of marriages....


I would like to think that in a marriage there is an equal amount of give and take but we all know that is NOT true. Most instances 1 spouse makes more than the other and that's understandable. What ever your financial situation is there should be an agreement upon the finances and the way in which they are handled. If your agreement is that the man works and the woman stays home, that's all well and good if that is the agreement set forth between you and your spouse.
So in OUR household, being that we both work - we primarily split the bills 50/50. I handle the finances. We have a joint bank account for our bills but we also have our own separate accounts. I can NOT stress to you how much easier it is this way. I think this is by far the best way to handle your finances. There's no "oh honey you didn't give me the money for this bill" NOPE if our expenses are $1000 per month then $500 comes directly from both paychecks monthly to cover. There is no such thing as over spending from the account because he has his own account to spend from as far as his leisure money as do I.
Now lets touch on when the finances get rocky - and it happens.
Job loss for either spouse - Uh Oh this is where things go sour. Now 1 spouse has to cover 100% of the finances. Suddenly things get behind, bill collectors are calling, things are getting repossessed. What now?
Well my friends the only advice I have is to take it to the Lord in prayer. I know things get hard financially especially this day in time. 1 person can NOT do it all especially if the agreement was 50/50; if you have any consideration or love for your spouse you would not even consider that it is OK to sit around and do nothing and watch your spouse struggle to make ends meet.
Now I think the spouse that has lost a job should do everything in their power to become gainfully employed once again - and they do most times but answer me this - why is it that people still divorce over this problem?
I will tell you why. Instead of praying together, going to church, tithing, believing in God for better, communicating with one another, they choose to argue and name call. There are some hurtful things said in tough financial situations. It's always easier to bail out than to work it out - right? Sadly, this is the mindset of most people who bail out of each tough situation, no relationship will work they will find themselves failing at everything until they learn how to work out their problems.

 I think tough times should draw you closer to God and closer to one another. Do not let the Devil win. Please because he will try his best.
My pastor says you will be tested in 3 areas: your FAITH, FAMILY, and your FINANCES.
And this is just as sure as the air you breathe. Knowing the signs we are better equipped to handle each attack. I strongly urge you to join the church of a good bible teacher. Read the word and learn how to fight this spiritual warfare.

If you are truly ready for marriage my best spiritual advice is:
In ALL things put God first and all other things will fall into place.

Peace and Blessings

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Yea I said it.....

With the wave of newly naturals and women of color embracing and growing their hair to seldom seen lengths I'm proud to say that I'm on board as a texturized girl. With that comes stretching relaxers 3-4 months and attempting to deal with this 4C au natural NEW GROWTH 😔

Which is WHY I chose to texturize, well I should say my mom chose to "process" my hair at 5 years old. The 4C struggle is and has always been least in my case.

Anyway, so I have been stretching my relaxers for the last year. Being on a healthy hair journey, I have been trying growth aids which have been producing results (currently have 2" of NG 6 weeks post relaxer). I almost think at this point in my journey I will have to begin relaxing more frequently, at least while I'm using my current growth aids....

Here is my dilemma, I wash my hair every 2 weeks alternating cowashing/sulfate free shampoo wash. I deep condition each time. I was flat ironing each time but I want to take my heat usage down to once per month. So I either have the options of

1. Continue stretching and up heat usage to twice per month


2. Relax/texlax my hair every 6-8 weeks

This is a very serious dilemma for me. I really hate having to do either bc both are damaging processes. No matter how moisturized and conditioned my new growth is I am Still prone to breakage.
I detangle my hair while wet and as it dries IT RE-TANGLES no lie 😒

This last shampoo wash I DC'd for 4.5 hours, rinsed with cold water, added leave in and sealer, detangled which was a nightmare, blow dried on warm then cool air... still detangling (breaking)... Bunned for work, came home to M&S to find the driest, hardest, nappiest new growth ever, I moisturized and attempted to detangle but it wasn't happening so I just left it. At this point detangling just isn't happening for me. Prayfully when I relax the damage won't be so bad.
My hair mats instantly when washing. I've told myself next wash I will put my hair in 4 big cornrows. I hope that will help

 Im Starting to see some noticeable breakage in some areas...what I don't need is a setback. Nothing worse than coming this far and having to chop off a few inches bc of ignorance, negligence, or simply not making the right decision in hair care practices.

And I know setbacks happen to the best of us but I would like to avoid them at all costs.
I'm currently APL striving to be full BSL by February 2014.

I clearly need some help/advice lol words of encouragement.....ANYTHING...
If there's anyone out there like me in this new growth detangling struggle please offer ya girl some advice or something

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Miconazole Nitrate (MN) for hair growth

Hey Guys,

Miconazole Nitrate, which is the active ingredient in many anti fungal medications, has been the buzz around the web, and Youtube for sometime now. If you've found this page - you are probably curious about using it for hair growth.

In my personal experience, Miconazole Nitrate (found in Monistat 7), did, in fact, improve my hair growth.

As many of you probably are - I was a bit apprehensive when I first heard about it. I also had the same reaction -- Yeast infection cream on your scalp?!? I decided to pass on it at the time.


Maybe 6 months to a year later, my niece caught a ringworm in her scalp; which caused a huge bald spot. We took her to the doctor and what does he prescribe?! Monistat 7. We used the cream. Not only did it cure the fungal infection BUT her hair immediately started to re-grow in that area.

Then I was awakened:

1. Obviously it is somewhat safe if the doctor prescribed it

2. Many of us have active fungal infections on our scalps and don't even know it

3. It immediately re-grew her hair and there was no negative effect on the surrounding healthy hairs


So I decided to try it. To elaborate on number 2 above, if you are having an issue with dandruff or dry itchy scalp - YOU MAY HAVE A SCALP INFECTION due to fungus...dermatitis or what have you. If you visit a dermatologist about your scalp condition he/she will more than likely prescribe you a medication that contains miconazole nitrate.


I have suffered from dandruff my whole life so that was even more reason for me to try MN. So - After days of research by means of youtube, I came to the conclusion that there were more pros than cons to trying this medication. If you have a chance google "Suicide Eve" and "Chavas Candy"  These are 2 ladies that had tremendous growth and documented the growth from using MN month by month.

To Mix

I purchased 1 tube of monistat 7 and mixed it in coconut oil, with mane and tail conditioner.
I applied the mix nightly for 30 days initially, I got such good results, I continued for a few months.

I will have to say that with any medication whether it is an herb, OTC or prescription medication; there will be side effects. I hear and see people comment all the time "uggh coochie cream this coochie cream that" if it is safe for the most delicate part of your body why wouldn't it be safe for your hair? BESIDES the drugs that the doctors prescribe for everyday ailments have more severe side effects - take a moment to read the leaflets in your prescriptions you'd be surprised - yet most of us are PILL POPPING MANIACS with no questions about what we are ingesting...moving on.

The only side effects I witnessed were:

Intense itchy scalp

Neither of which were unbearable.

The benefits were, however, well worth it. I grew and retained well over 3 inches in the first 2 months or so.

I have since moved on to trying other growth aids because I am a product junkie as well as a bandwagoner. LOL!!

It has been my goal since starting my hair journey to find out what works for me and what doesn't. In that, I have vowed to try anything suggested for hair growth that I came across... within reason. MN works for me. I have purchased a tube to start again in the near future as soon as I am done testing the other growth aids on my list.

So far here is a list of what has worked:

Monistat 7 (1.5 inches per month)
Mineral Rich liquid Vitamin (Currently 1.5-2 inches per month)
Chlorella (Currently 1.5-2 inches per month)
Hairfinity (1 inch per month)

What didn't work so well:

Equate Miconazole 7 - No significant increase in growth

Jamaican Black Castor oil - No significant increase in growth

NJoy's sulfur mix - No significant increase in growth

MSM - No significant increase in growth (said to lengthen growth phase NOT make hair grow)

Biotin - No significant increase in growth - only made hair stronger/healthier ++

up next - ancient secrets hair growth oil


Just because these things worked/didn't work for me doesn't mean that it will/won't work for you. Everyone is different!
I will say that taking biotin and MSM together has been beneficial to the health of my hair, they are only mentioned in the "did not work" section because they do not CAUSE your hair to grow. Aiding in the health of your hair will be beneficial to your hair's own growth.

Please feel free to share your experiences below if something in my did not work list has worked for you. Also share if you have tried MN and your experiences with the medication. I would love to hear.

Healthy Hair Growing :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Introducing .....ME!!!

Hey Guys!

My name is Dee and I am 28 years old, soon to be 29 in November (2013). I had been wanting to start a blog for a while now. Ever since I was younger, I have always been told that I have a "way with words" haha - Whatever that means. Anyway, I am starting this blog, it will more than likely be filled with things that I have experienced, have heard, or things that I think may be useful to many of you. 

Well, stay tuned...I hope you are as excited as I am!!!