Wednesday, September 18, 2013

HAIR GROWTH and the science behind it

OK many are wondering and may have heard that certain people can only grow hair to a certain length -

Well for the most part that is true. Now certain people means certain people, not a certain race of people.

Genetics play a huge part in our hair growth.

Scientifically there are 3 phases of hair growth anagen (growth phase), catagen (resting phase), and telogen (shedding phase). It is scientifically pre-determined how long each phase will last. The growing phase can last anywhere from 2 years to 6 years.

So lets say a person has a growth phase of 2 years. Hair grows on average .5 inches per month so in 2 years this person will have grown 12 inches of hair before the hair rests a while and eventually sheds from the scalp. Each hair on your head is in one of the 3 phases simultaneously throughout your life, that way it's not all growing, resting, or shedding at the same time.

Ok so this person with a 2 year growth phase has a growth potential of 12" of hair per 2 year cycle. That is the truth per science. Many don't see that hair length because of problems with breakage and retention. A person with a 6 year growth phase getting .5 inches of growth per month will have a growth potential of 36 inches of hair during their 6 year growth phase.

So you can see this is one reason why some people may have shorter hair vs others with a longer growth phase.

The question was asked how do people with dread locks grow long hair. Well each strand is intertwined; a person with dreads may very well have a 2 year growth phase and can only grow 12" in their phase BUT the difference is, when their hair sheds from the scalp it is NOT released from the dread - So when their growth phase starts over it is adding on to previously shed hairs which in turn will cause them to have more length because they aren't losing any hairs in comparison to a person with the same growth phase and loose hair.

Now the good news is there are things that we can do to over ride genetics. As stated before, hair grows on average .5 per month. There are supplements and vitamins as well as topical growth aids that you can use to increase your monthly growth potential. Some even claiming to give you 3 inches of hair growth per month. That will allow you to maximize your monthly growth with the same 2 year growth cycle, which will in turn allow you to achieve longer hair. If you choose a growth aid that helps you achieve an added .5 inches of growth, you are now getting 1 inch of growth per month,  1 inch per month x 24 months = 24 inches of growth potential in their 2 year growth phase. Most people don't stick with growth aids that long, just long enough to boost their growth for a few months, but you get my point. You can research hair growth aids and find the right one for you - there are a plethora of them on the market.

Also, there is a supplement called MSM that is said to increase your growth phase. I'm not sure if it increases your monthly growth, but by increasing your growth phase extending it from 2 years you can achieve longer hair even if you opt to let your hair grow at it's normal .5 inches per month*. You will have more hair length over time. If you take MSM and increase your growth phase from 2 years to 3 years taking the supplement on a consistent basis you should grow .5 inches x 3 years = 18 inches of growth potential.
you can also research MSM.

*Not everyone's hair grows the average rate, some have slower growth and some have faster growth; these are just examples based on my research. Retention and healthy hair care practices play a huge part in the overall length, health, and growth of your hair.

I am not a doctor and I make no claims behind the effectiveness of anything mentioned in this article. It is always best to do your own research and check with your family doctor before introducing supplements into your body.

Good Luck and Happy hair growing

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