Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Yea I said it.....

With the wave of newly naturals and women of color embracing and growing their hair to seldom seen lengths I'm proud to say that I'm on board as a texturized girl. With that comes stretching relaxers 3-4 months and attempting to deal with this 4C au natural NEW GROWTH 😔

Which is WHY I chose to texturize, well I should say my mom chose to "process" my hair at 5 years old. The 4C struggle is and has always been REAL...at least in my case.

Anyway, so I have been stretching my relaxers for the last year. Being on a healthy hair journey, I have been trying growth aids which have been producing results (currently have 2" of NG 6 weeks post relaxer). I almost think at this point in my journey I will have to begin relaxing more frequently, at least while I'm using my current growth aids....

Here is my dilemma, I wash my hair every 2 weeks alternating cowashing/sulfate free shampoo wash. I deep condition each time. I was flat ironing each time but I want to take my heat usage down to once per month. So I either have the options of

1. Continue stretching and up heat usage to twice per month


2. Relax/texlax my hair every 6-8 weeks

This is a very serious dilemma for me. I really hate having to do either bc both are damaging processes. No matter how moisturized and conditioned my new growth is I am Still prone to breakage.
I detangle my hair while wet and as it dries IT RE-TANGLES no lie 😒

This last shampoo wash I DC'd for 4.5 hours, rinsed with cold water, added leave in and sealer, detangled which was a nightmare, blow dried on warm then cool air... still detangling (breaking)... Bunned for work, came home to M&S to find the driest, hardest, nappiest new growth ever, I moisturized and attempted to detangle but it wasn't happening so I just left it. At this point detangling just isn't happening for me. Prayfully when I relax the damage won't be so bad.
My hair mats instantly when washing. I've told myself next wash I will put my hair in 4 big cornrows. I hope that will help

 Im Starting to see some noticeable breakage in some areas...what I don't need is a setback. Nothing worse than coming this far and having to chop off a few inches bc of ignorance, negligence, or simply not making the right decision in hair care practices.

And I know setbacks happen to the best of us but I would like to avoid them at all costs.
I'm currently APL striving to be full BSL by February 2014.

I clearly need some help/advice lol words of encouragement.....ANYTHING...
If there's anyone out there like me in this new growth detangling struggle please offer ya girl some advice or something facebook.com/deandra.n.grant

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